Saturday, May 5, 2007


No real excitement. Went to the pool this morning, stopped at the garden shop on the way home. did the marketing and then to practice with Mark & Sharon, my partners in Crosswalk. We learned a Randy Travis tune and a new original blues. We're playing together much more intuitively...a year of playing has us reading each other quite well. The blues was fun to play and should go over well, the harmonies on the Travis song were tight. I played a bit of bottleneck on that one.
Listened to the Mark Knopfler/Chet Atkins album in the car, and had forgotten how pleasant a recording that is...then I switched it for a collection of Michael Bloomfield. The guitar is just an instrument that I love with a passion, hearing it, or playing it.
I am still trying to find out what kind of guitar Ron Sexsmith played on Thursday night. Sure there was his old trusty Taylor cutaway, but for one song he slipped on a shiny black electric semi-hollow body that looked like a 335, but it also seemed to have silver resonators which I don't recall seeing on any other 335s. My 335 certainly doesn't have them. But I wasn't close enough to see the name on the headstock.
Also listened to the Kevin Hearn CD I bought that night. Very interesting stuff, and I hope you'll take my advice to check him out. Of course the song I really liked isn't on this album. "Born Human" is the one I'm looking for. "Born human, raised by wolves..." is a great concept!
This blogging business is addictive.

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